OK, let's be honest, what better way for us Buddhist monastics to accomplish our stated goal of transcending ego-involvement than to present ourselves to the world wide web via blogs? The latest to cast her bon mots into the ring is my good friend, sangha companion, and sometime DODR commenter Ani Sangye.
I, for one, am thrilled. Is it because she has a remarkably similar, bent sense of humor like me, poor girl? Well, a little. But more than that, she's a sharp writer and darn funny which, I recently suggested to her, may have saved her life.
You see, that ability to laugh at the world's absurdities has counterbalanced the strange karmic nightmare with which Ani-la has been afflicted. A couple years ago she manifested a rare, painful autoimmune disease called Wegener's granulomatosis (even sounds creepy, doesn't it?). Part of her motivation (besides the fact that by nature she has a hard time stopping talking; it's cool, she's Greek) is to share her experience with others suffering from this odd disorder.
So. A Greek former Peace Corps volunteer turned Tibetan Buddhist nun who cracks wise about her bizarre medical condition and who also really loves animals and is a chiropractor by profession. As they say among my people, what's not to love? Please do yourself a favor and go visit the newly-minted Sweet Not Always.
Oh excellent start to a new blog! I hopped on over on your recommendation and laughed out loud TWICE in her first post!
Posted by: Janet in Seattle | December 10, 2008 at 12:25 AM
Yes, a lovely new blog. Perhaps, after I finish Chemo, I'll start one myself, just so the white-robed Sangha of Ngakpas can be represented in the blogosphere!
Posted by: Lama Kunzang | December 10, 2008 at 06:42 PM
Thanks, Brother Konchog! I have no idea what "bon mots" are. Anything like mar-mots? Anyway, I take you at your word--I'm casting them in....
Posted by: Sangye | December 11, 2008 at 06:32 PM