Ani Damchoe Wongmo, our favorite nun of the frozen north (Canada, not Siberia), has been quietly regaling her Reflections of Reflections blog fans with images of auspicious phenomena following HH Penor Rinpoche’s mahaparinirvana. They’re really quite astounding: a rainbow out of the clear sky that crossed in front of Penor Rinpoche’s image on the Zangdog Palri temple after the 49th Day ceremonies (Update II: Wow. Here's video of that rainbow.); the butter in butter lamps spontaneously formed into lotus petal reliefs (this I’ve never seen of heard of before, but as people love to remind me, I hardly know everything); more solar rainbow phenomena; and the odd movements of the temple statues.
I hope Ani-la updates with some context and whatever explanations have been offered about these phenomena, but for now, as she says, just to see the images is a great blessing. Especially today, which according to the Tibetan Buddhist calendar is the day honoring the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha. Seems like a good day also to chant the prayer for the swift rebirth of Penor Rinpoche. It's downloadable in short and long forms in several languages here, but when you click, look closely: there's also an audio link to Lama Dorje's gorgeous chanting of the prayer!
Update: Regarding the birth of Prince Siddhartha, who would discover true dharma as the awakened one, the Buddha, Ven. Ajahn Punnadhammo (also Canadian, hmm) over at Bhikkhu's Blog alerts us to the happy fact that you an watch the entire BBC documentary, "The Life of the Buddha", over at YouTube. Here's Part 1. I just watched the whole thing and it's very nicely done.
Hi Bhante,
Been keeping up with your postings, so sounds like all is well.
Was wondering if you could do a post on the Tibetan understanding of mahaparinirvana (mahaparinibbana). The reason I ask is because of a subsequent request in your posting for prayers for a swift rebirth of the Rinpoche.
Posted by: Ashin Sopāka | May 29, 2009 at 09:52 PM
Sorry, misread, then reread your post - there is no "request" :)
But still interested in your teaching on this
Posted by: Ashin Sopāka | May 30, 2009 at 07:35 AM
Please note that the Buddha Sakyamuni, like most great spiritual leaders, was a Gemini. :)
Posted by: Lama Kunzang | May 30, 2009 at 10:05 AM