Last night our darling 105-year old Amaa’s main disciple Enkhtsetseg dropped by to wish me farewell for both of them. During our chat she confirmed something I’d heard a couple days earlier that brought a truly satisfied smile to my face. Jhado Rinpoche, a former abbot of the Dalai Lama’s Institute of Buddhist Dialectics, has been teaching at Gandan Monastery on one of his frequent visits. About two weeks ago he offered an empowerment for the Eight Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche. During the explanatory portion, he apparently spent some time extolling the manifold virtues of reciting the Vajra Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche. When he chanted it, there was just a handful of people chanting along; most had never heard of it. Guess where they learned it? Yep, from yours truly. I had about 500 cards left of the Mongolian translation we printed of this prayer. I gave it to my original informant and they will be distributed to the assembly the next time Jhado Rinpoche teaches. Thus, we’ve given away all 2000 we had printed. A good first step, methinks.
One treat in these last days before I leave has been the arrival of longtime DODR reader and frequent commenter Vedran from Croatia. On my good buddy list at the moment, since he just bought me pizza – I’m terribly shallow that way – I had wanted to share a photo, but the lens on my durn camera is refusing to budge. Luckily, Brother Don has just posted an update the project Vedran came to loan his construction skills to, the renovation of the house occupied one winter by Nicholas and Helena Roerich to open this July 6 as the Nicholas Roerich Residence Museum and Buddhist Art Institute. Before he offered a limited edition freebie of Roerich’s classic Shambhala tome, he uploaded an image of Brother Vedran’s handsome mug. Learn and enjoy.
And if you’d care to see my shameless promotional scribbling about Mongolia, dig our friend Ishee’s site for his unconditionally DODR-recommended tour company, Steppe Horse. I helped a brother out with a little tweaking of the text.
OK, back to purgin’ ‘n’ packin’.
And even MORE meritorious activity and propagation of the blessings ripening into fruit. Yea! And yes, thank you again for functioning as the body of the lama, the Sangha.
Posted by: yeshe lhamo | June 11, 2009 at 03:55 PM